Hey readers,
Me and the fam did a truly American thing this weekend: Sprayed a can of whipped cream into our mouths. It's long weekend here in the US, and I've been thoroughly enjoying doing as little as possible. Bike rides, relaxing on the balcony, new Slowdive on repeat, and finding cool stuff to to share on the internet.
The state of UX in AI
The user experience of new AI products is a topic that I'm super interested in right now. I've been trying to understand more about how new AI products are thinking about user experience design.
Jakob Nielsen argues that "the design landscape of contemporary AI products is nothing less than a wilderness of egregious usability transgressions". lol.
Maybe true, but where we are today reminds me of where early video games were in the 70's. The gaming industry was born out of humble text-based adventure games, like Zork and Colossal Cave Adventure.
Watch this space though. We're going to see a tonne of innovation, coming in thick and fast. As David Hoang puts it, AI hasn't had it's "pull to refresh" moment yet. But it's only a matter of time before we see new design patterns, patterns and paradigms emerge.
Related links:
People + AI Guidebook - Google’s guidebook to designing with AI
Shiny new thing of the week
An AI image generator than can handle typogtaphy? That's the promise of Ideogram, a new generative AI image startup Ideogram.
AI image generators in general haven't been able to render text well. And while Ideogram ain’t perfect, it's definitely promising.
Plus some extra stuff
And of course, some miscellaneous links thrown in for your viewing pleasure:
Collected.li is a sweet little showcase of web design inspiration - 8 websites at a time.
A interesting clock experiment, where the time is in a song title.
How to Be Happier Without Really Trying. I'm trying to maximise happiness these days, so this one really spoke to me.
The new Slowdive is insaaaaaaanely good